Meet Our Team

Our Lead Pastor


Mark Crossman is the Lead Pastor of The Cross. He is married to Linda and together they have three amazing daughters: Amanda, Vanessa, and Victoria. Mark loves adventure and loves people. He fundamentally believes that life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. We should thank God daily, love people fiercely, not take ourselves too seriously, walk in our purpose, and find every excuse humanly possible to laugh out loud.

Having moved all the way from South Africa to the USA, he is thrilled to have ended up in beautiful Mount Dora. It was in South Africa that Mark served as a youth pastor for many years and completed three years of theological training and he recently graduated from the SMP Program through Concordia Seminary St. Louis.

Mark’s heart for ministry, his gift for bringing the Word, and his passion for reaching the lost are what make him such a solid man of God and an integral part of The Cross family.

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